An exciting interdisciplinary collaboration between recordkeeping, information law and human rights scholars in Australia and the UK to develop a dynamic, digitally enabled, real-time, rights based recordkeeping governance framework.
The project aims to
- develop participatory information governance as a new theoretical foundation for the regulation and systemisation of multiple rights in recordkeeping for childhood out-of-home Care,
- explore how records co-creation can be conceptualised in child protection and information law and overseen dynamically in a child-centred and rights-based advocacy and regulatory framework,
- articulate the audit and oversight responsibilities of an independent recordkeeping and rights of the child advocate, and
- digitally model the recordkeeping informatics of its macro and micro functions, incorporating the analytics required to ensure the effective and efficient monitoring of recordkeeping rights for children, young people and adults with Care experiences.
Real-time Rights-based Recordkeeping Governance is funded through an Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Grant DP200100017. The Chief Investigators are Associate Professor Joanne Evans (Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University), Professor Moira Paterson (Faculty of Law, Monash University), Associate Professor Melissa Castan (Faculty of Law & Castan Centre for Human Rights, Monash University), and Professor Elizabeth Shepherd (Department of Information Studies, University College London).